by AiR – Atman in Ravi: Happiness Ambassador, Author, Spiritual Mentor and Philanthropist
Life’s unpredictability can be overwhelming. Life often throws at us challenges and circumstances that pull us down, disrupting our emotional balance, happiness, and peace. Some of us get so deeply impacted that we become depressed or sick. Others can deal better with such situations. We must remember that happiness is a choice, just as suffering is. It is how we respond or react that will determine our emotional and mental wellness. Often, friends and family become a pillar of support and strength for us.
There are practical strategies that can help us tide over such times. One must consciously incorporate these in our lives:
- To start with, prayer as a practice helps. Having faith, and belief in God can be a big support system. FAITH is Full Assurance In The Heart. TRUST is Total Reliance and Unconditional Surrender To the Almighty. Adopt the ABC principle: Accept without Protest what you cannot change; Be and do your best; In Consciousness, surrender the rest.
- Understand the universal law of Karma. While the word Karma literally means action, Karma is commonly used to refer to the law of Karma: As you sow, so shall you reap. What is unfolding in your life is, therefore, only a reaction to your actions. You must not only accept but also rejoice. Understand that your negative Karma is being negated or settled.
- Cultivate Mindfulness and Self-Awareness. Practice meditation. Meditating is all about stilling the mind and stopping the onslaught of thoughts. Regular meditation reduces stress and anxiety. When we still have the mind, we reach a state of no mind, thoughtlessness, and Consciousness. In Consciousness, the intellect is activated, and we can discriminate, we can make the right decisions.
- Focus on the present moment. Don’t revisit the regrets, hurts, or guilt of the past. Don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring. Live in the moment. Let go of grudges and anger. Forgive and forget — for your own sake. When we forgive, it gives us peace. It removes the burden of hate, anger, and hurt.
- • Flip from being negative to being positive. Flip from NEP to PEP, Negative Energy which is Poison to Positive Energy is Power. Live with optimism, courage, and hope. Have positive expectations. Be kind and compassionate. Helping others in any way you can, will help you feel happier.
- Practice gratitude. Gratitude is a key component of happiness and emotional balance. Count your blessings. You will find that there are so many things to be grateful for, no matter what challenges you are facing.
- Practice Asanas (physical exercises), and Pranayama (breathing techniques). While Yoga is about being in union with the Divine, Asanas and Pranayama, the preliminary steps of Yoga, can add to a sense of well-being and inner peace. Exercising, walking or any physical activity tends to not only be cathartic but also releases hormones like endorphins and dopamine that help us feel better.
- Spend Time with Nature. Natureis a manifestation of the Divine. Nature is a known healer. It calms us down and offers solace. It rejuvenates us. It relaxes us. So, it is a good idea to take a break from gizmos and gadgets and instead,soak in the beauty that is all around us.
Finally, living a spiritual life, realizing the truth can change the paradigm of our life as we realize the purpose of life. We realize that life has meaning. We realize that the world is a show, a drama and we are actors who come and go. We realize the truth about death — that death is not the end. We never die. We are the immortal Soul, a part of God. Realization of the truth sets us free from all suffering and misery.
Emotional balance and inner peace are attainable through intentional practices. By incorporating these strategies into daily life, we can cultivate resilience and navigate challenging times with greater ease.